Working Papers

The Potential of Recommender Systems for Directing Job Search: A Large-Scale Experiment (with L. Behaghel, M. Gurgand, S. Dromundo and T. Zuber). Conditionally accepted, Econometrica.
[ Abstract | Draft ]

Improving LATE Estimation in Experiments with Imperfect Compliance (with S. Loewe). Submitted.
[ Abstract | Draft ]

Selected Work in Progress

Empirical Welfare Maximization and Optimal Matching Policies (with T. Kitagawa).
[ Abstract ]

Exploiting Bounded Treatment Effect Heterogeneity for Improved Inference in (Quasi-)Experiments with Imperfect Compliance (with X. D’Haultfoeuille and S. Loewe).
[ Abstract ]

The Impact of Retraining Programs on Firms’ Labor Demand and Occupational Mobility (with G. Azmat, L. Behaghel, R. Rathelot and J. Sultan). Draft coming soon.
[ Abstract ]

Measuring Occupational Distances and the Aggregate Potential of Training Policies for Labor Force Reallocation (with D. Mayaux, K. M. Frick and T. Zuber). Draft coming soon.
[ Abstract ]

Evaluating the Effect of Training Programs for the Unemployed: an Examiner Design Approach (with P. Arni, L. Behaghel, M. Gurgand, R. Rathelot and T. Zuber).
[ Abstract (early stage project) ]